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Human rights concerns over killer robots

Concerns are increasing over the potential impact of fully autonomous weapons under human rights law, which applies during peacetime as well as armed conflict. Nations are expected to consider the matter at the next session of the Human Rights Council at the United Nations in Geneva, which opens on 10 June. The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots is convening a […]


Nations confront killer robots challenge

At the first multilateral meeting ever held on killer robots, nations have recognized the need to confront the challenge of fully autonomous weapons that could select and attack targets without any human control. The call issued by the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots for a pre-emptive ban on these fully autonomous weapons has become a central […]


Global meeting in Buenos Aires

The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots held its second global meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 26-28 February 2020. More than 80 campaigners from 35 countries participated in the meeting hosted by Asociación para Políticas Públicas (APP), a member of SEHLAC, the Human Security Network in Latin America and the Caribbean that is on the […]


Missile Systems and Human Control

An article that appeared on the front page of The New York Times on 12 November detailing the trend towards autonomous warfare by the United States and other nations with high-tech militaries has attracted significant interest. The in-depth piece by science writer John Markoff is the outlet’s first on the “killer robots” challenge since Bill Keller’s […]


Davos considers killer robots

Concerns over fully autonomous weapons or “killer robots” have been raised at the 2015 World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland with various publications and speakers addressing the matter. This is the first time that the annual meeting of world leaders from government, business, and civil society has considered the challenges posed by weapons systems that select targets […]

Laura Nolan - Photo by Clare Conboy

Why tech workers should oppose Killer Robots

Laura Nolan, technologist and former Google software engineer – Photo by Clare Conboy There are many ethical, political and legal reasons to oppose autonomous weapons, which can strike without a direct human decision to attack. These are good reasons to worry about autonomous weapons, but I am a software engineer and I also oppose the development and use of autonomous […]

PRESS RELEASE:Robots-tueurs : une majorité d’Etats veut un nouveau traité, quelques-uns bloquent les avancées vers des mesures concrètes, et la France manque d’ambition 

3 septembre 2018 Genève PRESS RELEASE: Robots-tueurs : une majorité d’Etats veut un nouveau traité, quelques-uns bloquent les avancées vers des mesures concrètes, et la France manque d’ambition  Alors que de plus en plus d’Etats soutiennent l’adoption d’un nouveau traité international sur les armes autonomes, la Campagne contre les robots tueurs regrette qu’une poignée de […]

COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE: Négocier un traité d’interdiction pour conserver le contrôle humain sur l’usage de la force

27 août 2018 Genève COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE: Négocier un traité d’interdiction pour conserver le contrôle humain sur l’usage de la force Avant la réunion de l’ONU, les appels se multiplient pour un traité d’interdiction des robots tueurs Alors que la 6ème réunion internationale sur les systèmes d’armes létales autonomes (SALA) s’ouvre aujourd’hui à l’Office des […]

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