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Laura Nolan - Photo by Clare Conboy

Why tech workers should oppose Killer Robots

Laura Nolan, technologist and former Google software engineer – Photo by Clare Conboy There are many ethical, political and legal reasons to oppose autonomous weapons, which can strike without a direct human decision to attack. These are good reasons to worry about autonomous weapons, but I am a software engineer and I also oppose the development and use of autonomous […]


National campaigning against killer robots

This round-up of recent actions at the national level supporting the call to preemptively ban fully autonomous weapons systems covers developments in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Holy See, Italy, Netherlands, UK and US in November-December 2017. Australia On 2 November 2017, more than 120 members of the Australian AI research community wrote to Prime Minister […]

PRESS RELEASE:Robots-tueurs : une majorité d’Etats veut un nouveau traité, quelques-uns bloquent les avancées vers des mesures concrètes, et la France manque d’ambition 

3 septembre 2018 Genève PRESS RELEASE: Robots-tueurs : une majorité d’Etats veut un nouveau traité, quelques-uns bloquent les avancées vers des mesures concrètes, et la France manque d’ambition  Alors que de plus en plus d’Etats soutiennent l’adoption d’un nouveau traité international sur les armes autonomes, la Campagne contre les robots tueurs regrette qu’une poignée de […]

COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE: Négocier un traité d’interdiction pour conserver le contrôle humain sur l’usage de la force

27 août 2018 Genève COMMUNIQUE DE PRESSE: Négocier un traité d’interdiction pour conserver le contrôle humain sur l’usage de la force Avant la réunion de l’ONU, les appels se multiplient pour un traité d’interdiction des robots tueurs Alors que la 6ème réunion internationale sur les systèmes d’armes létales autonomes (SALA) s’ouvre aujourd’hui à l’Office des […]

Erin Hunt is the Program Manager at Mines Action Canada, a member organisation of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. Her expertise includes the humanitarian impact of indiscriminate weapons, victim assistance, gender in disarmament and Canadian disarmament policy. Photo: Clare Conboy.

Killer robots, feminism… and a feminist foreign policy?

Erin Hunt is the Program Manager at Mines Action Canada, a member organisation of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. Her expertise includes the humanitarian impact of indiscriminate weapons, victim assistance, gender in disarmament and Canadian disarmament policy. Photo: Clare Conboy. What are killer robots and what do they have to do with feminism? Killer robots are […]

Our Top 5 moments of 2022

From the premiere of our very own documentary Immoral Code to the first-ever joint statement on autonomous weapons at the UN General Assembly, 2022 was a year of immense progress in the movement to ensure human control in the use of force. As we reflect on our 2022 wins, 2023 looks like it’s shaping up […]

Neon sign reading ‘Game on’

Techno-optimism, human rights and killer robots…

It’s hard to be taken seriously when you’re a young woman actively working against the development of technologies. Most of the time when I talk about killer robots, I get raised eyebrows — sometimes of interest, other times of scepticism. Robots have so long been in the sci-fi lore that they don’t present as an immediate […]

A female software engineer looks directly at the camera with colourful code projected on her.

Digital Dehumanisation — When machines decide, not people

We didn’t expect a Campaign to Stop Killer Robots to be needed in the world — but it is. Globally, we are seeing a growing influence of computer processing and algorithmic thinking: taking “There’s an app for that!” to a whole new level. From ‘smart houses’ and the Internet of Things to facial recognition and […]

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