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Historic Declaration Adopted at CARICOM Conference

The CARICOM Declaration on Autonomous Weapons Systems, adopted on 6 September 2023 at the CARICOM Conference: The Human Impacts of Autonomous Weapons in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, declared commitment of states to “collaborate on endeavours aimed at negotiating an international legally binding instrument that prohibits unpredictable or uncontrollable AWS capable of using force […]

A millennial sits in the corner of a room, reading, headphones on surrounded by millennial furnishings including houseplants

Five Reasons Why Millennials Need to Ban Killer Robots

Photo by Austin Distel. The vision of Millennials as the future leaders on world issues is an unsettling notion for older generations. Coined as lazy, unmotivated, and late because of the long Starbucks line, the Millennial generation has different prejudices working against them as they enter into the workforce. However, despite our sceptics, we’re seeing […]

Photo of the UN Building

AI Enabled Kill Webs and the Slippery Slope towards Autonomous Weapons Systems

Original photos: Matt Reding and Markus Spiske. Last month, the United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons (CCW) is meeting to discuss Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS), sometimes described as ‘killer robots’. LAWS are systems that have the capability to select targets and apply force autonomously, without meaningful human control. The CCW has been working on […]

A desolate fence with a sign reading ‘Border Patrol Only’ with green code overlay

Humans as data: Migrants, Killer robots, and You.

Photo: Greg Bulla. I’ve spent my career working for migrant and refugee justice, including 10 years as a lawyer in London and a year in Geneva working for migrant rights across Europe. I now work for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. Killer robots are weapons that use sensors to select a target and then automatically […]

Our policy position

We are working to have states adopt an international legal treaty that ensures meaningful human control over the use of force and rejects the automation of killing.

Mary Wareham poses with her hand on the Campaign robot’s shoulder in front of the UN building with the sun behind them.

Passing the Baton

Mary Wareham with the Campaign’s robot in front of the United Nations building in New York, October 2019. Photo: Ari Beser. Back in October 2012, Human Rights Watch invited a dozen activists from a handful of non-governmental organizations to discuss what to do about worrisome military investments in artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. Our organizations identified a […]


Scouts, welcome to #TeamHuman

“What is a killer robot?” The refrain was heard over and over again at the edge of a small tent in the middle of West Virginia. As thousands of feet trampled down a path at the Summit Bechtel Scout Reserve, eager for the next adventure, heads turned to peer closer at bright red flags flapping […]

PRESS RELEASE: Civil society joins together to encourage regional cooperation on banning killer robots

Islamabad 10 Dec 2019 PRESS RELEASE: Civil society joins together to encourage regional cooperation on banning killer robots Campaign to Stop Killer Robots members and guests from eight Asian states (Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka) met in Islamabad, Pakistan on 9-10 December 2019 at the invitation of the Sustainable Peace […]

PRESS RELEASE: Robots tueurs : la France doit soutenir un traité d’interdiction

7 novembre 2018 Paris RELEVÉ DE PRESSE: Robots tueurs : la France doit soutenir un traité d’interdictio Les membres français de la Campagne contre les robots tueurs  publient aujourd’hui le rapport « Pourquoi la France doit s’opposer au développement des robots tueurs », qui rappelle les risques posés par le développement des systèmes d’armes létales […]

PRESS RELEASE: Killer robots: France should support a ban treaty

For immediate release PRESS RELEASE: Killer robots: France should support a ban treaty Paris, November 7, 2018 – Today, the French members of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots publish a report “Why France must oppose the development of killer robots”, which recalls the risks arising from the development of lethal autonomous weapon systems and […]

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