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FAQ Key Elements of a Treaty on Fully Autonomous Weapons

A Frequently Asked Questions paper expands on the Campaign’s position and addresses questions raised by the Key Elements of a Treaty proposal.

The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots is calling for a legally binding instrument to address fully autonomous weapons by preserving meaningful human control over the use of force. The instrument should apply to the range of weapons systems that select and engage targets on the basis of sensor inputs, that is, systems where the object to be attacked is determined by sensor processing, not by humans. This broad scope is designed to ensure problematic technology does not escape regulation.

The treaty’s restrictions, however, would focus on those systems that contravene the requirement of meaningful human control. It would use a combination of prohibitions and positive obligations effectively to ban systems that amount to, or are used as fully autonomous weapons. While specific language and content would have to be worked out during multilateral discussions and treaty negotiations, the final instrument should incorporate the key elements identified in this paper.

This paper is also available in:

You can also find a Frequently Asked Questions guide here.

Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

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