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Stop Killer Robots calls for new international law on autonomy in weapons systems.


Digital diplomacy begins

The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots participated in a webcast version of the Berlin Forum on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems on 1-2 April. The original face-to-face meeting for government representatives and non-governmental organizations was initially cancelled due to the rapid spread of the Coronavirus (Covid-19).


Global meeting in Buenos Aires

The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots held its second global meeting in Buenos Aires, Argentina on 26-28 February 2020. More than 80 campaigners from 35 countries participated in the meeting hosted by Asociación para Políticas Públicas (APP), a member of SEHLAC, the Human Security Network in Latin America and the Caribbean that is on the Campaign’s Steering Committee.*

Defending multilateralism in 2019

  As we close out the decade, it is worth reflecting on how far the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots has come. The killer robots challenge is now regarded by foreign ministers and other high-level politicians as an urgent “politically relevant” concern deserving immediate multilateral action. There is widespread recognition that weapons systems that would select and engage targets on the basis of sensor processing and that do not allow for meaningful human control will cross the threshold of acceptability and must be prohibited.

2019 by the numbers

2019 may be bringing the decade to a close, but for movement building within the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots it was only the beginning. This year saw exponential growth within our coalition – in terms of supporters,…


Alarm bells ring on killer robots

Diplomatic talks on weapons systems that would select and engage targets without further human intervention are set to continue for two more years. But what will they deliver? And will they be too late? Major military powers are investing…

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