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Stop Killer Robots calls for new international law on autonomy in weapons systems.

خبر صحفى: تفاوضوا على معاھدة حظر للإبقاء على السیطرة البشریة على القوة الدعوة لمعاھدة لحظر الروبوتات القاتلة ت

جنیف 27 أغسطس 2018 خبر صحفى: تفاوضوا على معاھدة حظر للإبقاء على السیطرة البشریة على القوة الدعوة لمعاھدة لحظر الروبوتات القاتلة تتضاعف قبل اجتماع الأمم المتحدة تتصاعد الدعوات لكي تبدأ الدول مفاوضات بشأن معاھدة جدیدة تحظر أنظمة الأسلحة التي،…


UN seeks to retain human control over force

The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, is offering to support states to elaborate new measures such as “legally binding arrangements” to ensure that “humans remain at all times in control over the use of force.” The offer is contained in the UN head’s 74-pp disarmament agenda launched in Geneva on 24 May 2018, which describes how “roboticists, technology entrepreneurs, humanitarian actors, civil society and many Governments have raised alarms over the implications posed by the development of lethal autonomous weapon systems.”


Parliamentary actions in Europe

This round-up looks at recent parliamentary actions in Europe in support of the call to ban fully autonomous weapons, also known as lethal autonomous weapons systems. These initiatives provide more evidence of the growing support for starting negotiations on a new international treaty now. States will convene at the UN in Geneva on 27 August for the next international meeting on the challenges raised by killer robots. European Parliament On 5 July, a resolution by the European Parliament was adopted by a vote of 390/103/110 that calls for the urgent negotiation of “an international ban on weapon systems that lack human control over the use of force.” The resolution calls on the European Council to work towards such a ban and “urgently develop and adopt a common position on autonomous weapon systems.” The Greens/EFA Group recommendation to to pay special attention to technological progress in the field of the weaponisation of robotics and, in particular, on armed robots was included in a resolution endorsing a European Parliament report to the Council for the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). The campaign will conduct outreach at UNGA First Committee on Disarmament and International Security this October.


Google et d’autres entreprises doivent soutenir l’interdiction

Google and its parent company Alphabet are starting to address some ethical concerns raised by the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, but, as yet, have not taken a position on the unchecked use of autonomy and AI…


Google, y otras compañías deberían apoyar esta causa

Google and its parent company Alphabet are starting to address some ethical concerns raised by the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, but, as yet, have not taken a position on the unchecked use of autonomy and AI…


Google, other companies must endorse ban

Google and its parent company Alphabet are starting to address some ethical concerns raised by the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, but, as yet, have not taken a position on the unchecked use of autonomy and AI…

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