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Stop Killer Robots calls for new international law on autonomy in weapons systems.


New European poll shows public favour banning killer robots

Public support for a ban on killer robots continues to grow, confirming a need for urgent action by European states to negotiate a new treaty to retain meaningful human control. A poll of ten European countries conducted by YouGov…


High-level concerns on killer robots at UN

Yet again, the killer robots challenge has received high-level attention at the annual session of the United Nations General Assembly To re-cap, in 2018 UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called the prospect of machines with the power and discretion…

#Youth4Disarmament are taking on killer robots

What happens when you bring 75 youth passionate about disarmament affairs to New York, introduce them to experts in the field, and put them together on a…ship? Just a regular day for Peace Boat, who held “Youth Champions for Securing…

Laura Nolan - Photo by Clare Conboy

Why tech workers should oppose Killer Robots

Laura Nolan, technologist and former Google software engineer – Photo by Clare Conboy There are many ethical, political and legal reasons to oppose autonomous weapons, which can…

Russia, United States attempt to legitimize killer robots

Russia and the United States are continuing their losing fight against the inevitable treaty that’s coming for killer robots. Most states participating in the diplomatic talks on lethal autonomous weapons systems have expressed their strong desire to negotiate a new…


Scouts, welcome to #TeamHuman

“What is a killer robot?” The refrain was heard over and over again at the edge of a small tent in the middle of West Virginia. As thousands of feet trampled down a path at the Summit Bechtel Scout…

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