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Real Stories


I’m Nicole van Rooijen, Stop Killer Robots new Executive Director. Before joining the campaign, I worked at the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross) for over 15 years where I focused on the protection of civilians in times of armed conflict. I did this both at the field level, as well as in high-level negotiations.

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Tell us about your background and interest in humanitarian disarmament? 

After years of involvement in conflicts, one begins to recognize that there is an inherent absurd aspect to it all. Wars are often easy to ignite, but difficult to end, and innocent civilians bear the brunt: children, women, and men lose their lives, are injured or maimed, and entire societies suffer for generations. In the end, wars are neither sustainable nor a viable solution. True progress can only be achieved through political will, diplomacy, and dialogue between nations, or between states and armed actors. 

While wars will unfortunately continue in the world, it is imperative that all parties involved adhere to international laws and employ means and methods of warfare that are not only responsible, but justifiable. The protection of civilians must remain paramount, and we must never lose sight of the human cost that comes with conflict.

Why are killer robots/ autonomous weapons an urgent issue for you? 

 Autonomous weapons cross such a fundamental ethical line. If we lose control of the use of force and allow machines to make life or death decisions, it’s the end of our humanity.

What made you want to join the Stop Killer Robots Campaign?

I wanted to work for an organization that truly makes a difference—one that aligns with my values, promotes inclusivity, and is filled with brilliant, inspiring and kind individuals. And that’s exactly what I found!

Killer Robots exist on the far end of the spectrum of digital dehumanisation, what other forms of digital dehumanisation concerns you the most? 

The methods by which large corporations and governments collect and exploit personal data to exert control, manipulate behaviours, and advance their own agendas are deeply concerning.

This trend is particularly alarming in the current political climate, especially in Western nations, where the resurgence of white supremacy ideologies poses a significant threat to democratic institutions and jeopardizes the substantial progress made in promoting gender equality and fostering more inclusive societies.

At the same time, the growing normalization of misinformation, disinformation, and hate speech, perpetuated by both political leaders and the general public, is causing significant harm to marginalized communities, including women, people of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those with disabilities. This toxic environment only deepens societal divisions and fuels an escalation of senseless violence and hatred.

What needs to be done to address the range of threats – legal, humanitarian, ethical etc. – that killer robots pose? 

We need a legally binding instrument! We need States to start negotiations as soon as possible.
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