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PRESS RELEASE: UN: Start International Talks on Killer Robots – Increasing calls for international action on fully autonomous weapons

Embargoed until 00:01 EST 21 October 2013 New York PRESS RELEASE: UN: Start International Talks on Killer Robots – Increasing calls for international action on fully autonomous weapons All nations should agree to begin international talks aimed at preventing the creation of fully autonomous robot weapons that, once activated, would select and engage targets without […]

PRESS RELEASE: UN: Seize the opportunity for action on killer robots – Convention on Conventional Weapons to decide on taking up killer robots in 2014

Embargoed For Release Not for Publication Until: 10:00 Geneva (09:00 GMT) 13 November 2013 Geneva PRESS RELEASE: UN: Seize the opportunity for action on killer robots – Convention on Conventional Weapons to decide on taking up killer robots in 2014 States should seize the opportunity to take international action to prevent the creation of fully […]

PRESS RELEASE: Focus on Meaningful Human Control of Weapons Systems – Third United Nations meeting on killer robots opens in Geneva

11 April 2016 Geneva PRESS RELEASE: Focus on Meaningful Human Control of Weapons Systems – Third United Nations meeting on killer robots opens in Geneva Countries should affirm the necessity of meaningful human control over the capacity to select and attack targets, and agree to start negotiating a preemptive ban on fully autonomous weapons, said […]

PRESS RELEASE: Substantive Talks on Killer Robots Must Continue – Convention on Conventional Weapons decision due on 14 November

13 November 2014 Geneva PRESS RELEASE: Substantive Talks on Killer Robots Must Continue – Convention on Conventional Weapons decision due on 14 November Nations must continue and deepen their deliberations in 2015 on the questions relating to ‘lethal autonomous weapons systems’ with the ultimate objective of creating new international law prohibiting such weapons, said the […]

PRESS RELEASE: Urgent Action Needed to Ban Fully Autonomous Weapons – Non-governmental organizations convene to launch Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

London April 23, 2013 PRESS RELEASE: Urgent Action Needed to Ban Fully Autonomous Weapons – Non-governmental organizations convene to launch Campaign to Stop Killer Robots Urgent action is needed to pre-emptively ban lethal robot weapons that would be able to select and attack targets without any human intervention, said a new campaign launched in London […]

PRESS RELEASE: UN: Start Pursuing a Permanent Ban on Killer Robots – All states should implement UN report recommendations as first step towards ban

May 28, 2013 Geneva PRESS RELEASE: UN: Start Pursuing a Permanent Ban on Killer Robots – All states should implement UN report recommendations as first step towards ban All nations should heed the call by a UN Special Rapporteur to halt robotics weapons systems that, once activated, can select and engage targets without further intervention […]


Our campaign and call to action

On April 23, a news conference was held at the Frontline in London to publicly launch the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. In its first public statement, the campaign called for urgent action to preemptively ban lethal robot weapons that would be able to select and attack targets without any human intervention.

Cover photo What made us proud in 2020

Banning killer robots in a pandemic: What made us proud in 2020

There is never a dull moment at the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots — the work to prevent the use and development of fully autonomous weapons systems that would select and engage their targets without meaningful human control never stops. (Literally! Our campaign covers time zones from Vancouver, Canada to Wellington, New Zealand.) As if […]

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